![]() Streaming many 128 x 128 pre-baked textures on a consumer mobile device to push very highend looking graphics on limited hardware. Textures are loaded based on the viewers location; a 'poor man's' mega-texturing system. Fun to use all the cheats and lessons learned from the past to manipulate the phone's capabilities.
Having a compositor built into a 3d program offers a new way to drive any parameter in the 3d app. Softimage (as well as Blender & Houdini) has an intergrated compositor. This tool opens many possiblilties. Here I used a Vector Paint node in Softimage's compositor to drive the value of a CutMap parameter on hair (grass). The effect works perfectly and can be tuned interactively in a 3d viewport.
If you are a Softimage user, download the supplied scene file below to view the setup:
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June 2020