This deferred texture mapping test is a similar idea and mimics thistool by RevisionFX. For offline rendering, this additional UV vector pass can save re-rendering an image/animation by allowing me to swap textures after rendering is complete.
Many game engines are using deferred rendering these days as opposed to forward rendering. In addition, many movie shots have been authored with deferred techniques and then assembled and shaded in Nuke. The concept for both real-time engines and offline renderers is basically the same; to encode 3d data into 2d space (buffers) and then solve for the lighting/shading as a post process. If you are interested in lighting/shading in post, check out the Postlight tool by Andy Nicholas.
This deferred texture mapping test is a similar idea and mimics thistool by RevisionFX. For offline rendering, this additional UV vector pass can save re-rendering an image/animation by allowing me to swap textures after rendering is complete.
The Component Parser is the compositing node used to map the texture to the UV vector data. The variable a1 = horizontal pixel count of the image and variable a2 = the vertical pixel count.
Objects can be easily textured in post. Swapping textures is real-time without the need to re-render.
Having a compositor built into a 3d program offers a new way to drive any parameter in the 3d app. Softimage (as well as Blender & Houdini) has an intergrated compositor. This tool opens many possiblilties. Here I used a Vector Paint node in Softimage's compositor to drive the value of a CutMap parameter on hair (grass). The effect works perfectly and can be tuned interactively in a 3d viewport.
If you are a Softimage user, download the supplied scene file below to view the setup:
Using an intergrated compositor (Blender, Softimage, Houdini) it is possible to create an interactive studio environment to drive the IBL in a 3d scene. By wiring a couple vector paint nodes together in Softimage I can create an interactive environment map; then I use the map as the source image for the final-gathering or environment sampling. HDR Light Studio is a standalone product that does just that. Read about the setup in Softimage here. This environment sampling setup was used in two, full-scale production, Tony Hawk video game projects.
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June 2020